Wishing You
A very Happy Valentine Day

Happy Valentine Day

  My sweetheart is lovely, a maiden so fair,

 No wonder my thoughts are ever with her.

 In work or in pleasure, in rain or in shine,

 There's none in my heart but my Valentine.

  A hundred hearts would be too few

 To carry all my love for you.

 Your heart is so fragrant with all the garden roses,

 You are attractive to me by all your naive poses.

Happy Valentine Day

Love is just too weak of a word to express what I feel for you. Thank you for making everything better and brighter. Happy Valentine’s Day Honey.

Valentine's Day is the Holiday of Romance. Romance is love in its active state, ignited and inspired. Valentine's Day may feel like a holiday forced on us by the Greeting Card, Jewelry and Floral industries, but the truth is that we have accepted it because we recognize and value its purpose. Love that never inspires romance is stagnant and stale. Valentine's Day is an opportunity to ignite our existing relationship with romance, and love with an added dose of romance will result in a stronger, longer lasting and far more satisfying relationship.

Happy Valentine Day

Every beat of my heart tells me how much I love you. It is impossible to live without you. Happy Valentine’s Day my sweetheart.

Happy Valentine Day

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